Premium Technologies will keep your servers UP and Running - No Matter What
We will protect your servers from hurricanes, earthquakes, (nuclear) bombs, floods and anything else that could interrupt the hosting of your servers. As long as your hosting fee is paid Premium Technologies will do anything in its power to keep your servers up. In addition Premium Technologies protects your servers also from others who might want to take your servers down like the DMCA, your competitors, authorities, burglars, governments and terrorists.
1.0 Potential problems
However the biggest threat usually is the hosting provider that takes your servers offline if they receive complaints from others. But in these situations we are willing to help.
2.0 You are anonymous 100% - No Matter What
Most of our customers desire to stay anonymous. In most cases we have no idea as to who or where our customers actually are. We do not know and we simply don't care, who ever you are. It is our business to keep you UP and Running.
3.0 100% of time your server is up and running - No Matter What
Premium Technologies customers are allowed to host any content they like, except child porn and anything related to terrorism. Everything else is fine, we has adopted a policy not to mind our client's business.
4.0 Offshore
Premium Technologies fully operates from an offshore location. We provide Total Data Privacy from a legal front, as well as from our incorporation of high-quality data protection tools. This prevents the chance of any type of data leakage.